1. Journal of Nationalism Studies is a scientific publication that emerged as a result of the initiatives of academicians working at different universities. It is published twice a year, in April and October. The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

  2. Journal of Nationalism Studies adopts the principle of delivering published research free of charge to readers and provides instant open access to its content. The Open Access Policy is based on the rules of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

  3. Journal of Nationalism Studies applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY NC) license to published articles. If you submit your article for publication, you agree to apply the CC-BY-NC license to your work.

  4. In the studies submitted to the Journal of Nationalism Studies, EASE (The European Association of Science Editors) recommendations and the International Standards of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for Editors and Authors are taken into consideration.

  5. Ethics committee approval must be obtained for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, this consent must be stated and documented in the study. Information about permission should be included in the method section of the article and also on the first / last page. In case reports, the information about the signed informed consent form should be included in the article.

  6. It should be stated that the article has been prepared in accordance with research and publication ethics. At the end of the article, researchers should submit a statement of contribution rate, a statement of support and appreciation, if any, a conflict of interest statement and a statement of financial support.

  7. The author of the article should upload the article on the system using the link https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/madergisi.

  8. Journal of Nationalism Studies is a thematic journal. All articles submitted for publication are primarily examined in terms of their suitability to the journal, their originality, methodology, importance, quality and ethical structure.

  9. The entire editorial and referee evaluation process can be divided into successive steps:

  • Appointment of an editor for the article,

  • Initial review [rejection or further evaluation] on the suitability of the incoming work to the journal by the appointed editor,

  • Similarity check [rejection or further evaluation],

  • Review by the Writing and Language Editors [revision or further evaluation],

  • Appointment of referees according to double blind arbitration practice [revision, rejection or acceptance],

  • In cases where one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee.

  • Articles requested by the referees for correction are sent back to their authors. The works of the authors who do not return within the requested time will be canceled.

  • Studies whose evaluation process is completed are published in the first issue following the publication schedule.

  • No royalty fee is paid to the author / authors for published articles.

  • Editor appointment and initial review are usually done within a few days. The spelling and language check process usually takes 2 weeks, and the referee reports can take 2-4 weeks to complete. The period given to the authors for revision is 2 weeks.

  • Requests for changing the order of authors, deleting or adding authors after submission are subject to the approval of the journal editors. Application should be made with an appropriate petition containing this request and signed by all authors.

  • Retraction of an article will only be allowed for the most compelling and unavoidable reasons. In order for an article to be withdrawn, the journal's contact address must be submitted for a retraction letter signed by all authors. The author (s) should not assume that their manuscripts have been retracted until they receive appropriate notification on this matter.

10. Plagiarism is a serious problem and the most common ethical problem in scientific research. The Journal of Nationalism Studies does not allow plagiarism in any way. In the thematic journal, plagiarism control is made by editors and plagiarism software. Our journal accepts tests with a plagiarism rate below 15%. In case of similarity over 15%, it is rejected without the Referee Evaluation.

11. Appeals and complaints are handled by the Editorial Board within the scope of COPE guidelines. Objections should be based on the scientific content of the article. The final decision regarding the objection and complaint is made by the Editor-in-Chief. Authors should contact dergi@milliyetcilikarastirmalari.com via e-mail for their objections and complaints.